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October 6, 2017 hallo bray, recognize before name: ilham ibrahim place of birth date: 2 september 1998 school origin: SMK YUPPENTEK 1 TANGERANG and now i'm studying in UNIVERSITY OF MUHAMMADIYAH TANGERANG I am there to take the engineering faculty, electro prody I am taking electro prody at UMT to develop the ability that I have since school in vocational school. my English lesson time and other students introduce themselves in front of the class, from names, dates of birth, hobbies, work, and most interesting purpose we all get in UMT take electro prody, not long then one by one the students who call his name telling forward to the introduction of self and after the introduction of myself ended I am very happy bray kaga forward forward in my heart alhamdulillah finally did not go forward, not long ago then lecturers explain about the discussion of learning that will be discussed in English lectures, one of them for a blog, so it means every english meeting should

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